Cole Marta, MD


Dr. Marta is a licensed psychiatrist (A 124676), a trailblazing researcher and provider of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapies in California and an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry and neurology at Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. He completed undergraduate studies at UC Santa Cruz in molecular, cellular & developmental biology and earned an MD from the Chicago Medical School. He was a Junior Specialist in a Howard Hughes Medical Institute laboratory studying neurogenetics. He completed his residency at the UCLA San Fernando Valley Veteran Association Psychiatry Training Program.

While at UCLA, he participated in cutting-edge research related to mood, anxiety, substance use, & post-traumatic stress disorder. He has published his research & presented at conferences on the safety and efficacy of psychedelics in the context of both healing intent & abuse populations. He has served as the primary clinical investigator for the Los Angeles site of the phase II & III clinical trials of MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for PTSD since 2017. His work in harm reduction, public speaking efforts and co-founding of the first psychedelic medicine and psychotherapy center in southern California highlight his lifelong dedication to bringing psychedelic medicines safely and ethically to those suffering from mental health and psychiatric challenges.